Tuesday 27 December 2011

I AM Ready!!!!......or AM I?

I have been wondering for some time now,can one really start teaching others something they just 'have a flare' for without gathering professional training?Can one just 'ride on' talent alone? Well, what I have come to discover in life is that there is always a time for one to undergo training, its not always about the pay but about the experience of others and your ability to learn from them. Give time to learning from the years of experience of those who have gone ahead of you however limiting it may seem just open your mind to learn.Enjoy.

Tuesday 20 December 2011

do take out time 2 criticize.d person in the video nids all d help she can get.tnx.

A Dancers' Life

You know, I am not gonna pretend like I know all that there is to know about dancing and the life style of a dancer but I sure wanna learn all that I can and affect my world through dance.I started this blog to learn and to teach the little I know. Feel free to contribute at anytime. Enjoy!!!!